
Common industrial execution

Explosion proof

Actuating electric actuators constant speed ERI and MEOF designed to move the regulators in automatic process control systems in accordance with the command signals automatic regulating and control devices.

The principle of operation is to convert the arrangements of the electrical signal coming from the regulator or control device into rotary movement of the output shaft.

Depending on the method of reinforcement joint with all the mechanisms are divided into two groups:

  1. Mechanisms – mechanisms themselves directly ERI (outrigger), mounted on special platforms near the valves and related systems by means of rods and levers;
  2. actuators – mechanisms MEOF, MEM, MEI, multiexciton (built-in) that are installed directly onto the valve and is connected to it by means of mounting parts.

The main functions are:

  • automatic, remote or manual movement of the valve;
  • automatic and remote stop valve in any intermediate position;
  • positioning of pipe fittings in any intermediate position;
  • the formation of an information signal about the final and intermediate positions of the valve and the dynamics of its movement.

The main parameters that determine the type of mechanism are:

  • rated torque at the output shaft in N.m (Newton per meter);
  • the nominal value of the output body full speed in revolutions;
  • nominal full travel time value in seconds of the output shaft.

Mechanisms ERI (lever) consist of the following main components: motor, reducer, block signaling position, manual drive lever.




Common industrial execution

Explosion proof

Actuating electric actuators constant speed ERI and MEOF designed to move the regulators in automatic process control systems in accordance with the command signals automatic regulating and control devices.

The principle of operation is to convert the arrangements of the electrical signal coming from the regulator or control device into rotary movement of the output shaft.

Depending on the method of reinforcement joint with all the mechanisms are divided into two groups:

  1. Mechanisms – mechanisms themselves directly ERI (outrigger), mounted on special platforms near the valves and related systems by means of rods and levers;
  2. Actuators – mechanisms MEOF, MEM, MEI, multiexciton (built-in) that are installed directly onto the valve and is connected to it by means of mounting parts.

The main functions are:

  • automatic, remote or manual movement of the valve;
  • automatic and remote stop valve in any intermediate position;
  • positioning of pipe fittings in any intermediate position;
  • the formation of an information signal about the final and intermediate positions of the valve and the dynamics of its movement.

The main parameters that determine the type of mechanism are:

  • rated torque at the output shaft in N.m (Newton per meter);
  • the nominal value of the output body full speed in revolutions;
  • nominal full travel time value in seconds of the output shaft.

Mechanisms MEOF (flange) consist of the following main components: motor, gear unit, the unit alarm status, manual transmission flange.